Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has given his nod to start the trunk infrastructure dholera project in the dholera smart city of Dholera Special Investment Region earlier this year. With this, the ambitious project of developing the first smart city gains momentum.
An amount of Rs. 2,785 crore was sanctioned by the central government for development of trunk infrastructure which has provided the city a head start and put it way above the other 10 smart cities of India. The trunk infrastructure development is to happen on 22.5 square kilometer area also known as the “activation area.” The land for this activation area has been arranged for by the state government of Gujarat and is a part of its contribution to the capital. 80% of this land is state owned.
Trunk infrastructure component shall include features like Roads and Services, Water Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Administrative and Commercial Complex, etc. Completion of trunk infrastructure project is expected within three years.
A Special Purpose Vehicle has been formed which is a partnership of 50:50 between the state government and the central government. The purpose of forming this is to oversee the progress and development of this project.
Dholera Special Investment Region has been divided into six Town Planning Schemes. These areas vary in space and geographical location and development activities on them shall be done in a phase wise manner. The phase 1 of Dholera Special Investment Region is expected to go live by 2019 while the complete smart city of Dholera shall be built by 2030. This is far sooner compared to any of the 100 other smart cities.
While the city shall get its share of funding from the government, it shall not be sufficient for its development. Therefore other options such as Public Private Partnership, REIT and investments by foreign investors shall have to be encouraged. The trunk infrastructure development shall go a long way in doing so as it shall serve as a sample of the future development and attract huge funding.
Dholera Special Investment Region also serves to be an attractive investment option due to it being a special node on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. The corridor also known as the “corridor of possibilities” is being structured to host mega industries and manufacturing units along its way. Since Dholera SIR is in the vicinity, many investors shall also choose it as its base to set business along the corridor. Interest has already been shown by many multinationals and over 400 Memorandum of Understanding have already been signed between them and the state government of Gujarat promising many a hundred thousand investments.
Availability of cheap land in abundance, superlative connectivity, international architects and government giving special attention to the development of Dholera SIR Gujarat, all shall work towards accelerating the value of investment in the first smart city of India.
Dholera shall be a leading example for most of the smart cities and instrumental in changing the course of economic activities in India.